I Love u Pap!

When I was a baby

1. He cried when he first saw me.

2. He bought me everything I needed.

3. He smiled when he first heard our first word

4. He never gave up teaching me the simplest things.

When I am a teenager

5. He works days and nights, and never complains.

6. He still buys me everything I need.

7. He is never mad when my report card is on fire,

He smiles and says, “You will do better than this.”

8. He supports me in everything I do.

9. He never says No

10. He still reminds me to have my breakfast, lunch and dinner so I’ll never skip them.

11. He sets my latest-hour to be out with my friends.

12. His smile makes me feel much better.

13. His hug can never be replaced by anyone else.

14. Even when he is tired, he still takes a moment of his time, goes to my room and sees me sleep.

15. He loves me for who I really am.

16. He keeps on calling when I don’t pick up the calls.

17. He never yells.

18. He never breaks his promises.

19. He is a good friend, someone whom you can tell your secrets too.

20. He never…. lets me down.

When I am a grown up

I know I can’t read mind, but I’m sure he’ll still do the same

His love is everlasting and never-changing.

always know that:


Don’t ever leave me. Ever.

My dream is… having you to give me away in my own wedding. And i'm glad that my dream comes true.Thank You Pap.You're the best!