Carseat horror!

Buat moms yang punya anak suka ngamuk di carseat pasti tau how stressful and distracting it can be! terutama buat orang-orang yang living overseas dimana wajib hukum nya buat anak anak duduk di carseat.I know,sekarang di indo pun uda mulai banyak yang pake carseat tapi yang namanya di indo pasti masi bisa di nego lah kalo anak nangis teriak teriak gamau di carseat.Bisa digendong kapan aja,atau ada pembantu buat entertain anak kita biar betah duduk di carseat.Lah kalo kita yang tinggal di luar? apalagi kalo pas kita yang nyetir sendiri! siap siap deh multitasking (nyetir sambil entertain anak).

Olivia used to be a happy-carseat-baby until 4 months old! and....the nightmare begins *crying out loud* . Yang bikin lebih heboh tuh karena suara Olive yang emang dari lahirnya uda gede alias nge bass! hahaha... (hubby always blame it on me! :P ) jadi bener bener nyaring banget bunyi nya. Pertama,beli mainan gantung sebanyak banyak nya buat distract dia dan it works only a while,seterusnya dia bosen sama mainan nya! -.- belom lagi kalau mainan nya jatoh atau empeng dia jatoh,nangisssss....karna belom bisa cari dan ambil sendiri. Haduhhh bener bener panjang usus deh! akhirnya inget usul temen bae gua,Debby yang uda pengalaman banget sama anaknya yang nangis juga model nya kalo di carseat. Dia selalu bilang jalan satu satu nya biar anak diem & terbiasa di carseat ya dicuekin aja! tar juga kalo dia cape akhirnya diem sendiri! works!! makin lama makin berkurang nangis nya dan dia dah rada mulai terbiasa.Kalaupun nangis juga ngga akan selama waktu baru baru. 

......singkat cerita,hidup damai dan kuping dingin deh kalo di mobil :) sampe kemaren pas bulan September 2014 kita balik indo buat holiday for 2 months! uda bisa nebak dong di indo gimana? tanpa carseat di mobil ditambah Oma Opa yang manjain banget cucu pertama nya... (mereka ga tega denger cucu nya nangis lama sampe sesegukan -.-! ) brutal deh Olive di mobil! sampe naek naek ke dashboard mobil segala...uda kaya anak monyet keluar utan hehehe. mau gimana lagi? gua diemin aja. akhirnya si Oma Opa nya kewalahan juga hahaha..and kita sewa carseat buat 1 bulan terakhir. Untung di indo sekarang uda ada yang nyewain carseat ya...dan bersih lagi!! padahal di bayangan uda takut aja kotor,bau apek segala. Akhirnya Olive duduk di carseat,tapi ngga se efektif kaya di Perth.Kalau mulai bosen ato nangis ya diangkat deh sama Mba gua...jadi yah sama aja boong kan? cuma lebih mendingan lah ya...

Suami gua dah nyiapin mental banget deh balik Perth,pasti Olive bakalan ngamuk dipakein carseat lagi (maklum,suami gua paling ga tahan denger tangisan anak..apalagi denger nangisnya Olive yang melengking hehehe. Kalo dia lagi ga cape pulang kerja sih ok,tapi kalo lagi  cape plus laper....beuhhh! uda deh. mulai meditasi kesabaran nya :P) dan bener aja! balik Perth beberapa hari pertama...Olive nangis sepanjang jalan ga berenti di carseat! biasa kalau nangis lama gitu,dia pasti berenti trus ketiduran..ini ngga! omg! stress banget deh gua :( rasanya pengen teriak,marah,nangis tapi kasian juga liat anak nangis terus ga bisa ngomong kenapa...Sampe ada 1 weekend,Olive nangis non stop kalau kita pergi! tanpa berenti! bayangin coba....muka gua sama Alep uda kaya apa?! 3 days kerjaan nya nangis,nangis dan nangis..kebetulan pas weekend itu memang lagi banyak acara dan perlu wara wiri. Akhirnya meledak juga deh gua! gua teriakin sambil ngoceh ngoceh ke Olive yang lagi nangis,berharap dia ngerti permohonan gua biar dia ngga nangis lagi ( nyesel banget teriakin dia kenceng banget,dan semenjak itu gua ga pernah teriakin Olive,karna gua baru nyadar juga anak bakalan ikutin apa yang orang tua nya lakuin. and its true! Olive jadi suka teriak teriak kalo apa apa! untung nya lama lama ilang sendiri)

Semenjak dari weekend horror itu,suami gua pikir coba Olive libur dulu deh pake carseat seminggu...dan selama seminggu itu,gua ngga kemana mana..trus gua bawa carseat nya ke dalem rumah,and let her play with it jadi dia familiar. Trus gua bilangin terus kalau di carseat ga boleh nangis,ga kenapa napa..mommy daddy kan nyetir.Gua kasitau dia pelan pelan..dan satu lagi,dia suka banget sama lagu nya Que Sera by Justice Crew. Ini gara gara nya gua sama suami demen lagu ini trus suka puter lagu ini berulang ulang di mobil sambil ajak joget Olive hehehe.Akhirnya anak nya juga ketularan deh :P kalau nangis,trus ada lagu ini diem langsung! apalagi liat video clip nya....bisa anteng banget tuh liatin cowo cowo ganteng!!! :P 

Senin minggu berikutnya,trial deh Olive di carseat..gua dah siap tempur! dari mulai pasang lagu justice crew trus gantungin mainan "doggy" dia,trus siapin cemilan...and AKHIRNYAAAAA! Olive uda ngga nangis lagi di carseat!!! HAHAHAHAHA hepi banget deh! owwww...satu lagi! saking keabisan ide nya,gua akhirnya let her bring her small bolster. It really works! dia emang suka banget sama guling kesayangan nya itu dan its like a comforter for her...jadi skarang kemana mana guling wajib dibawa :) 

Good luck moms buat yang punya anak suka nangis di carseat.Pokonya jangan putus asa deh! pasti ada masa-masa nya dimana mereka bakal stop nangis & berdamai sama carseat hehehe.

Night Terrors

My 15months darling daughter had night terrors when she was around 11 months old (3 nights in a row) and recently,she had it again for 3 nights!  She woke up in the middle of the night screaming histerically. It took us  a while to figure out what was happening. Because she seemed to be awake but was having a full blown temper tantrum at 2am! and Nothing we did seemed to help. I started goggling about it and found out that it was night terrors.Seriously,it really freaked me out! i thought she's been possessed by a demon or ghost *touch wood* 

The least intervention possible worked the best for us. Although I have read that if the night terrors happen at the same time every night you can try waking them up before that time and then putting them back to sleep and after a few nights they shouldn't have the night terrors any more because you've broken the cycle. No idea if it works though! . And in my daughter's case, when she's overtired,she will most likely have night terrors during the night.So always make sure that she had enough sleeps during the day (she still having two naps) .Hopefully it won't happen again to her! *fingers crossed*. 

For new moms out there,who's wondering what is "night terrors" ? here are some explanation that i found : 
Like nightmares, night terrors in children are distressing and disruptive. But night terrors differ from nightmares in other key respects:
• Night terrors are NOT associated with REM sleep. Instead, they occur when a child is partially aroused from deep sleep--usually 1-2 hours after sleep onset (Moore et al 2006).
• During a night terror--which may last for 5-10 minutes--your child isn’t fully awake. But he will appear terrified, and he may cry, scream, or mumble. He may also move around or sleep walk. Because he isn’t really awake, he will be unaware of your presence or your attempts to soothe him (Moore et al 2006).
• After he awakens, your child probably won’t remember the experience. When kids do remember something about their experiences, they report memories of having to fight or flee from frightening monsters or other threats (Guilleminault et al 2003).
• Because they can involve sleepwalking and other forms of movement, night terrors in children can be physically dangerous
This may sound rather exotic if you haven't coped with night terrors before. But the condition is surprisingly common, particularly among very young children
- See more at:

Good luck moms! They are a really difficult thing to go through and while they might not remember them, you sure do! 

Teething ohhhh teething!

So far,yang paling gua sebel itu kalo Olive teething. She starts teething when she was 4 months old and up till now! sisa 4 gigi geraham (second molars teeth).Every baby experiences teething differently.Some have virtually no symptoms, while other babies experience teething pain for months.

 Swollen, bulging gums

Bottom two! 

Here are Olivia's signed of teething that i noticed:

-Drooling ( a lot! sampe bisa basah baju kalo ga dipakein bib)
-Pulling her ears 
-Trying to bite, chew, and suck on everything she can get her hands on
-Difficulty sleeping
-Swollen, bulging gums
-A bit of runny nose ( some says,it is related to teething but i'm not too sure) 

How to ease the pain? cold teether, dummy a.k.a empeng , Bonjela teehing gel and Panadol. So far,those thing works for her. Terutama Bonjela teething gel! when she woke up in the middle of the night and crying, i always apply Bonjela teething gel and she will stop crying and back to sleep. I will not give her panadol unless she is in a great pain and cranky.

the "magic" teething gel

TAPI...sebulan belakangan Olive teething her first molars and canine teeth,5 teeth at the same time! ( Olive kalo teething pasti selalu borongan) dan Bonjela,Panadol uda ngga mempan sama sekali! mungkin karna gigi geraham lebih besar ukuran nya kali ya jadi lebih sakit. She woke up couple of times during the night and wouldn't stop crying! akhirnya cobain kasi dia Neurofen for baby. Stronger than Panadol for sure dan lumayan mendingan sih ngga terlalu bangun tiap jam. Jangan ditanya gimana tampang gua & alep waktu itu! uda kaya zombi -.- sleepless nights! 

Arrrgghhh..pokonya i hate teething phase deh!! kasian anak kecil ngga bisa ngomong sakit,cuma bisa nangis :( i hope teething-teething-an ini bisa cepet berlalu deh! pheewwww! 

Hello i'm back! and....i'm a MOM now! hehehe

Hello people! fast forward to Dec,2014! :) omg! terakhir posting taun 2012!! . A lot of things happened to us since then...let me update you guys with my life ya...

Currently i'm a full-time wife & MOM (yes,i'm a mom now!) and part-time of everything else. Our beautiful daughter,Olivia Grace Kurniaga was born on 23rd Sept 2013 in Perth,Australia.Since then,our life has turned upside down!! bener bener jungkir balik istilah nya hehehe..

dan setelah punya anak,gua jadi mami yang parno-an! -.-! takut anak sakit ato kenapa napa (maklum hidup merantau,jauh dari family), rasanya tuh tanggung jawab nya berat banget dititipin mahluk hidup kecil yang lucu nya amit-amit hehehe. Pokonya,we've been through ups and downs since Olive was born.But most important thing,we are so blessed and grateful to have her as our daughter. She is our pride and joy! She lights up the room wherever she goes and i'm glad that everybody loves her :) 

She is 15 months now and starts exploring the world! hahaha...

15 months old 

Warning: jangan bosen ya kalo starting from now on, i'll post more about parenting and motherhood. I love to share my experience as a new mom and would love to hear your thoughts as well. I'm still learning to be a good mom,so..fell free to drop your comments :)