So far,yang paling gua sebel itu kalo Olive teething. She starts teething when she was 4 months old and up till now! sisa 4 gigi geraham (second molars teeth).Every baby experiences teething differently.Some have virtually no symptoms, while other babies experience teething pain for months.
Swollen, bulging gums
Bottom two!
Here are Olivia's signed of teething that i noticed:
-Drooling ( a lot! sampe bisa basah baju kalo ga dipakein bib)
-Pulling her ears
-Trying to bite, chew, and suck on everything she can get her hands on
-Difficulty sleeping
-Swollen, bulging gums
-A bit of runny nose ( some says,it is related to teething but i'm not too sure)
How to ease the pain? cold teether, dummy a.k.a empeng , Bonjela teehing gel and Panadol. So far,those thing works for her. Terutama Bonjela teething gel! when she woke up in the middle of the night and crying, i always apply Bonjela teething gel and she will stop crying and back to sleep. I will not give her panadol unless she is in a great pain and cranky.
the "magic" teething gel
TAPI...sebulan belakangan Olive teething her first molars and canine teeth,5 teeth at the same time! ( Olive kalo teething pasti selalu borongan) dan Bonjela,Panadol uda ngga mempan sama sekali! mungkin karna gigi geraham lebih besar ukuran nya kali ya jadi lebih sakit. She woke up couple of times during the night and wouldn't stop crying! akhirnya cobain kasi dia Neurofen for baby. Stronger than Panadol for sure dan lumayan mendingan sih ngga terlalu bangun tiap jam. Jangan ditanya gimana tampang gua & alep waktu itu! uda kaya zombi -.- sleepless nights!
Arrrgghhh..pokonya i hate teething phase deh!! kasian anak kecil ngga bisa ngomong sakit,cuma bisa nangis :( i hope teething-teething-an ini bisa cepet berlalu deh! pheewwww!
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