Don't be afraid

God says “do not be afraid” or, “fear not” 365 times in the bible. He must be serious! … There are 365 days in a year, so he has one for every day. 

 “Be strong and courageous, and do it. Fear not; be not dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail or forsake you until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.” (I Chronicles 28:20)

Fear not. That is the message David had for his son, Solomon. For many years, David wanted to build a temple for the Lord. But God told Him that specific job belonged to his son, Solomon. Solomon was young and inexperienced, and even though he knew he had a mandate from God, he was intimidated by the prospect of building a great house of worship, one that would be a dwelling place for the Most High. Your can probably understand his apprehension. But his father David had some good advice for him. He told his son, “Forget your fear. God is bigger than your problems. He is bigger than the temple you are going to build. He is bigger than any adversity that you might face. So just get busy and do your part and God will do the rest.” 

 Perhaps as this new day approaches you have some changes that need to be made. Maybe you need a renovation in your marriage, finances, health, or emotions. Whatever your individual needs may be, notice the words of David, “Be strong and courageous, and do it. Fear not, be not dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.”


fabz said...

:'( bener may ada 365?
Menguatkan banget mayyyy apa yg elo share ini. nenang-in ati, bikin adem bener, banyak banget yg gw takutin ini itu di dunia tapi di dalam nama Dia semua pasti bisa berjalan lancar sesuai rencana Dia ya may. Amin :'(

Maya Theresia said...

iya Fab :) Pastor gua sih yang bilang ada 365 bukan gua yg itungin hahahaha trus juga gua pernah baca d salah satu blog christian and it says the same thing.iya bener fab! nguatin banget emang...just Trust Him! :) mwahhh mwahhh Fab! :)