Mind your own business people!

Geeezzz! lately,i've been thinking that some people or should i say many people around us are just annoying! alias "kepo banget".they keep asking those questions like "uda isi belom?" omg! is there any rules that once u get married,you HAVE to be pregnant straight away? No right?! *keluar asep dari kepala*.this is one of the reasons why i prefer to live overseas.too many "kepo people" in Indo! it's good being away from them.here,you can have a peaceful life!. i think only in Indo they care so much about other people's business.yeaaa,like Ci Yossy said "kayanya di indo tuh terlalu banyak pengangguran,jadi kebanyakan ngurusin urusan orang". it is true! and sometimes i feel disgusted even with a close family >.< 

STOP NANYA2 KALO GA NOLONG BIKIN TAMBAH BAIK!... misalnya nanya "KAPAN KAWIN?"... trus kalo uda kawin, "KAPAN BERANAK?"... uda beranak, "KAPAN SEKOLAH?"... uda sekolah, "KAPAN LULUS?"... udah lulus, "KAPAN KERJA?"... uda kerja, "KAPAN KAWIN?"... MUTAR-MUTER MULU!... don't let our life be controlled by other's opinions & don't be such annoying by asking suck questions... BE MATURE, MIND OWN BUSINESS, AND ENJOY LIFE... (Vandy Steven)


Fabz said...

*Kipas2 pala maya yg asepnya makin ngebul*

emang may! gw juga udah mulai bosen, kmaren gw malah di tanya, EEEEH GEMUKAN YAAA UDAH ISI YAAA?

situ ga tau apa sini udah gemuk dari lahir?!?!?!?!?! MENGHINA KIRA2 DONK MASA KAN ORANG GEMUK BELOM TENTU HAMIL TAO!

*keluar api bekobar2 dr pala*

Maya Theresia said...

hahahahaha...iya Fab! sebel banget tau! ngga bisa ya nanya yang lebih berkualitas dikit *benerin kacamata model wanita karir* haissss! sama gua juga,kadang suka ditanya,makin makmur ya? jlebbb! kaga tau apa pipi gua emang bawaan orok uda bengkak :P hehehe...kadang tuh diluar enak nya org2 nya cuek2! coba lu ke mall pake sendal jepit di indo,yang ada diliatin kanan kiri...haisssss.artis juga kan manusia,iya ngga fab? *loh*.

trisie said...

hahahaha..setuju banget may!!!! orang indo kalo udah lama ngga ketemu, comment nya cuma "gendutan yah? or kurusan yah?" LOL.

kayanya itu cara mreka to show that they care enough to ask that kind of questions :P

tapi emang ANNOYING.. agree 100%! hahahahahaha..

Maya Theresia said...

emberrrr tris! pengen di plak! plak! plak! haahahahahahaha...gemes abisnya :0) btw,miss u super duper muchhhhh!!!! hehehehe...come here soon!!!!